Thursday, September 5, 2013

Citrix Issues ICA listener / session down

Hi People,

We encounter this issue many times, when running on Citrix environments, especially when we do not reboot our Citrix server ever after 14 days, ideally recommended to bounce citrix server once in 14 days.

We have port 1494 – which holds the listener & respond to Citrix gateway & application is pulled from application server, this all can be managed from Citrix Management Console (CMC)

Steps to check & reset down session / ICA listener:-

 Please logon to Citrix server, Can use Citrix website, for reference

 Launch Citrix Management Console

 Check for the alerts raised on CMC

 Browse Application on CMC & select application, which has issue

 Change Display (in The middle Pane) to Session

 At your left hand side, You’ll see several session, Search & locate “down”

 Select “down” & right click perform “reset”

 Once done from CMC, go to Terminal Server Services (tsadmin)

 Select the server local or can connect to the another Citrix server in the farm

 At left hand side, search & locate “down” ICA listener, right click & say reset

 Doing it from Terminal Server is fast & effective

 Have the requestor to test the application, Issue will be resolved

Happy Learning, I thank you for your valuable time


route add command in windows server

Hi People,

We come across the situation, where we have to define route on windows servers, defining routes would be (Print / Add / Delete & Change)

Switches: -

 -p (Added the route to windows server registry, without p it will store the route to RAM-based IP routing table, this option without p is used very rarely

 -f (Clears the routing table of all gateway entries)

Route Commands:-

 route print (destination IP address) :- Will print the route of the destination IP address

 route add –p abc mask xyz pqr IF 15 :- Where (abc – IP to be routed, xyz – Subnet mask, pqr – gateway of the windows server, 15 – Interface)

 route delete (destination IP address) :- This will delete the route of the specified destination

 route change :- Changes the route (Please use similar values, as in route add )

 route mask (netmask) :- It specifies the next parameter of the next mask value, If nothing is provided, by default it takes

Ideally Network admins deals with these things, however good to know information for Windows Admin, if they encounter any issues with route

Happy learning, I thank you for your valuable time

Unable to open websites, using newly added (bind) IP address on server 2008 R2, Using IIS

Hi people,

If you come across a situation, where your newly added (Bind) IP address are not responding on IIS, this could be related to several issue, as below

 DNS Records Issue – Check DNS server & verify records are resolving properly, use nslookup utility, If required perform flushdns, to have fast results

 Telnet port 80 or 443, using newly added IP address – Open cmd – telnet X.X.X.X 80, look for the result & act accordingly

 If you are getting – connection could not be established on telnet, for those IP address, it means that IP is not listened on port 80- by IIS, to check this, you can also type the IP address in browser and see, what it brings up, act accordingly

 If there is no blockage on Firewall – Both Windows & Network, you have to make IP listen forcefully, use below command

netsh http add iplisten 10.X.X.X

 After performing this command, you can telnet to the required port & it will have th IP up on that port, for 443, make sure, you have SSL & proper cert attached to the web site.

Please feel free to raise your questions on this

Happy Learning & I thank you for your valuable time